Succumb to that voice in your heart, the one that says it’s time,
Succumb to heading towards where that voice leads you,
Succumb to that emotion budding deep in you, the one you know you will find exhilarance in,
Succumb to the feel of the soft, warm grains of sand beneath your feet,
Succumb to the feel of the moistness in the sand, as you walk further, towards that glorious sun in the distance,
Succumb to the nothingness of the precious few moments as you watch it sink, sink, sink,
Succumb, once it’s gone, to feeling the leftover warmth it left behind,
Succumb to closing your eyes and soaking in it,
Succumb also to that slight nip in the air, that proves the voice right,
Succumb to that unique tingle of that first drop making contact with your face,
Succumb to the sights and sounds around you now, as the drops touch you with increasing frequency,
Succumb to stretching your arms wide, ignorant to the world now, just embracing the sky if you could,
Succumb as you now feel the sun’s heat being replaced by the rain’s chill, drenching you,
Succumb to remaining motionless, till you can’t tell if it really is by choice,
Succumb finally, when you hear that amazing sounds of what they claim are clouds clashing, to opening your eyes, to catch that second of a glimpse of a flash of light,
Succumb to etching into memory, what you’ve seen in that flash, water, all around, for all you can see,
Succumb, when the chill reaches your bones, to that smile breaking up on your face,
Succumb, at that moment, to that brilliant warmth that magically radiates from within you outwards, from your bones, to your skin, to the air around you,
Succumb, to your emotions, to the environment, to your thoughts,
Be selfish, and succumb, to yourself…
Note: You might have been able to tell from my previous ‘rain’ posts, the rain, the ocean and I share a very special bond. The picture, was taken safely from the safety of my car, after I was done succumbing(if that’s even a word)….
Though, it’s the first rains that make it mighty special, the next time you think it will, head to your nearest shore :-)
Song recommendation: R.E.M.- I'll take the rain